recipe from the blog delicious:days
Ingredients (makes about 14 muffin sized brioches):
250 ml lukewarm milk
20g fresh yeast
500g flour
75g white sugar
a pinch of salt
1 egg
75g melted butter
zest of half an untreated orange
extra melted butter to brush rolls (about 1 tbsp)
Sieve the flour into a bowl and make a little depression
in the middle. Pour the lukewarm milk into the well,
add the crumbled yeast and one teaspoon of sugar.
Carefully stir once or twice. Cover bowl with a kitchen
towel and let the pre-dough rise for about 15 minutes,
the surface will start to look bubbly.
Add the remaining ingredients (sugar, egg, orange zest,
pinch of salt, cooled down melted butter) and knead
well, either manually or with your kitchen machine
until dough can be easily removed from the bowl
(non-sticky). If it still feels too sticky, add some more
flour. Again, let the covered bowl rest in a warm place
for at least 45 minutes .
Knead dough one more time and toss on a floured pastry
board. Cut in equal pieces and form little snow ball
sized dumplings, each around 75g. Place little paper cups
in the holes of a muffin tray and fill each with a dough ball.
Bake at 200°C (390°F) for about 15 minutes or until the
tops turns golden brown. Cover with parchment paper if
the tops get too dark too fast. After removing the tray
from the oven brush them with a little melted butter,
giving them a nice little glow.