Wednesday, April 28, 2010

直接法甜包 Sweet rolls

雞蛋 30g
砂糖 39g
鹽 1/4小匙
高筋麵粉 270g
低筋麵粉 30g
乾酵母 1+1/4小匙
無鹽奶油 30g

1. 除了無鹽奶油外,所有材料依序放入麵包機中一起攪拌約10分鐘,麵糰取出,填入軟化的奶油再繼續攪拌,直到麵糰揉出一層薄膜。

2. 取出麵糰,放在大碗中,蓋上保鮮膜,進行第一次發酵。發酵至2.5倍大,約60~90分鐘。

3. 將麵糰分割成適當大小,滾圓後,鬆弛15~20分。(做成包餡麵包,我習慣分割成9個,每個約60g;若是餐包則分割成12個,每個45g)

4. 將麵糰壓扁,包入內餡,收口用虎口捏緊,向下排入烤盤,並稍微壓扁一些。

5. 最後發酵至2倍大,用手指按下,麵糰不會馬上彈回(約50~70分鐘,甚至於更久,視發酵溫度、酵母用量等不同),麵包表面刷上蛋液或牛奶,即可送進烤箱。 亦可加罌粟籽或芝麻作裝飾和增加風味。

6. 烤箱請於使用前約15分鐘開始預熱,以180℃,烤12~15分即可。

Friday, April 23, 2010

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Cinnamon and orange hot cross buns

For the Batter:
7g sachet easy-blend dried yeast
1 tsp light muscovado sugar
100g/4oz white bread flour
200ml/7fl oz hand-hot milk
For the Dough:
300g/10oz white bread flour
1 tsp salt 2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp freshly grated nutmeg grated rind of 1 orange
50g/2oz butter, cut into small pieces
50g/2oz light muscovado sugar
175g/6oz mixed dried fruit 1 egg, lightly beaten
For the Crosses:
2 tbsp plain flour
For the Glaze:1 orange 50g/2oz caster sugar

1. Make the batter: grease a baking sheet. In a large bowl mix together the yeast, sugar and flour. Stir in the milk and mix to a smooth batter. Cover the bowl with a clean tea towel and leave to rise for 25-30 minutes until the surface is covered with large bubbles.
2. Make the dough: sift together the flour, salt, cinnamon and nutmeg. Stir in the orange rind, add the butter and rub into the flour, then stir in the sugar and dried fruit.
3. Add the dry mix and the beaten egg to the batter, and mix to a soft dough; a large salad serving fork is perfect for this. Tip the dough on to a lightly floured surface; knead for five minutes until smooth and no longer sticky. Knead in more flour if still sticky after five minutes.
4. Divide the dough into nine equal pieces and shape each into a ball. Put on the baking sheet, a little apart, in a three by three formation. Oil the inside of a large polythene bag and put the buns and baking sheet inside it, loosely tied. Leave to rise for 1 ½ hours until the buns have doubled in size and spring back when prodded.
5. Preheat the oven to 220C/425F/Gas 7/fan oven 200C. To make the crosses, blend the flour with two tbspof cold water to make a paste. Put the paste in a small food bag and snip off one corner. Pipe a cross on the top of each bun. 6 Bake the buns for 15-20 minutes until risen and golden brown.
Make the glaze
prepare the orange rind, then cut into fine strips. Put the rind and sugar in a pan with three tbspof water. Bring to the boil, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved, then boil rapidly to make a light syrup (1½-2 minutes). Transfer the buns to a rack, brush immediately with the glaze, then leave to cool.
To Freeze
Pack into a large freezer bag and seal tightly, removing as much air as possible. Freeze for up to 3 months. What Can Go Wrong?Starting the yeast off with a little of the flour shows the yeast is working and also speeds up the rising process. This recipe has only one rise rather than the usual two - but no lightness is lost as a result.


Orange Brioches

recipe from the blog delicious:days
Ingredients (makes about 14 muffin sized brioches):
250 ml lukewarm milk
20g fresh yeast
500g flour
75g white sugar
a pinch of salt
1 egg
75g melted butter
zest of half an untreated orange
extra melted butter to brush rolls (about 1 tbsp)

Sieve the flour into a bowl and make a little depression
in the middle. Pour the lukewarm milk into the well,
add the crumbled yeast and one teaspoon of sugar.
Carefully stir once or twice. Cover bowl with a kitchen
towel and let the pre-dough rise for about 15 minutes,
the surface will start to look bubbly.

Add the remaining ingredients (sugar, egg, orange zest,
pinch of salt, cooled down melted butter) and knead
well, either manually or with your kitchen machine
until dough can be easily removed from the bowl
(non-sticky). If it still feels too sticky, add some more
flour. Again, let the covered bowl rest in a warm place
for at least 45 minutes .

Knead dough one more time and toss on a floured pastry
board. Cut in equal pieces and form little snow ball
sized dumplings, each around 75g. Place little paper cups
in the holes of a muffin tray and fill each with a dough ball.
Bake at 200°C (390°F) for about 15 minutes or until the
tops turns golden brown. Cover with parchment paper if
the tops get too dark too fast. After removing the tray
from the oven brush them with a little melted butter,
giving them a nice little glow.

Silence of the grave

The Ghost

Monday, April 19, 2010

Movies I like in 2009 and 2010

In random order:

Fantastic Mr. Fox
Inglorious bastards
Julie and Julia
Harry Porter
Whatever works
Up in the air
An education
Where the wild things are

Down and Out in Paris and London

Sunday, April 18, 2010

The Last Station

The Last Station 最後車站
by Jay Parini





Saturday, April 17, 2010

鮮奶土司 Toast bread




材料: 冰牛奶 360克
快發乾酵母 2小匙
高筋麵粉 550克
細白砂糖 55克
鹽 1又1/4小匙
奶油 55克


1) 所有材料,除奶油外,依序加入攪拌缸內,用低速攪拌。確定麵粉不會噴出,就可以加快速 度。
2) 攪成團後即可加入切成小塊的奶油,然後用高速攪打約10分鐘,打到麵筋擴展,就是麵團可拉成薄膜狀。完成的麵團溫度最好是26~28℃。
3) 放在溫暖潮溼處(28℃,相對溼度75%)基本發酵1小時半(若有時間可以延長到2小時半)。
4) 分割成5份,一份約200克。一一滾圓,醒5分鐘。
5) 擀扁,三摺。再醒5分鐘。
6) 一一擀長,捲成捲子。
7) 排在塗了薄油的土司模裡。
8) 放在溫暖潮溼處(38℃,相對溼度85%)最後發酵到8分滿,約需1小時到1小時半。
9) 烤箱預熱到205℃,土司蓋上蓋子,放在最下層烤45分鐘。